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The Braille system is one of our most important means for communication and information.

The Livingbraille platform aims to collect best practices, products, tools and resources.

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Braille in everyday use

daily life, games and toys, joy and fun

Braille devices and tools

braille displays, software, other devices

Latest posts

The big bundle

Today, I have not just one but four pictures for you. At the Marie-und-Hermann-Schmidt School for the Blind in Königs Wusterhausen near Berlin, drawing pictures using a Braille typewriter is a long-standing tradition. This tradition was given special recognition...

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Theme Week: Braille Pictures

This week is going to be a very special one at Braille 200! Today marks the start of our very first theme week, and we’re going all in right from the beginning! Are you one of those people who used way too many sheets of paper for way too many Braille pictures during...

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Braille Art Calendar 2026

Would you like to create art with Braille characters? Then take part and send us your self-designed Braille images! At the end of the year, we will select twelve submissions to be featured in our Braille calendar for 2026. This is a great opportunity to share your art...

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Weekend of Winners, part 2

Even though February was a little while ago. But nonetheless, it has remained very memorable to me—a month filled with many fantastic Braille moments. We had touching new beginnings, technical innovations, crazy Braille secret languages, pictures, poems, and even...

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Weekend of Winners

With pride and joy, Braille 200 presents to you today the very first winner of our initiative! And do you know what the best part is for us? The decision was truly difficult. We are actually a little sad that so many wonderful entries couldn’t win because,...

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The Braille Mirror

Today, we’ve got a piece of creative writing for you which is highly enjoyable yet hard to describe. That’s why there’s just one thing I absolutely want to say: Thank you! Thank you for a great contribution from Ana Cachinero Cachinero from Spain!...

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Alea iacta est

Today’s image is a fantastic example of the exciting possibilities of 3D printing. I’m quite sure that Braille 200 will be exploring this fascinating topic more often in the future. A big thank you to Sonja from Germany for this informative and...

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The M-Brailler

The stars of today’s feature are: A regular vacuum cleaner, a standard pack of M&M’s, and a dash of creativity from Thomas from Germany. Braille 200 thanks Thomas for this creative play with everyday objects! Spoiler alert… Uh, I mean, of course, clip...

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Braille with a Voice

We’ve already put a lot of Braille-labeled objects in the spotlight—medications, Cosmetics and even flatbreads! But have we ever given a Braille aid a real voice? Well, we definitely need to change that! Today, Peter Woltersdorf is conducting a very special...

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