Project Metabraille

It is a great pleasure for me to take the first small step today in one of my heartfelt projects for Braille 200 together with you.

At the end of 2024, as I began searching for interesting topics related to Braille and Braille writing in general, I came across a small but incredibly fascinating project called Metabraille – and I was immediately thrilled!
Today, I just want to briefly introduce you to Metabraille. Some of you might now be wondering: why only briefly if I’m so excited about it? Simply because I plan to share my experiences with you piece by piece over the coming weeks.

Metabraille is a compact, mobile keyboard that allows users to control computers and smartphones. And why is it called Metabraille? Exactly! Because input is done using the 8-dot Braille system. That alone is highly interesting, but it gets even better!

The project is completely open-source, meaning that both the blueprints and the software are freely available. And that’s not all! The developers were particularly keen on making sure that the device can, in theory, be fully assembled by blind users. Admittedly, this is where things get a bit tricky since operating a 3D printer requires a certain level of expertise. But in theory, it’s possible.

I probably won’t go that far, but I have already ordered Metabraille from the developers – and it has already arrived.
I sincerely hope I’ve made you just as curious as I have been for the past two months!

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