Today’s post is dedicated to an important toic that’s worth being supported: the inclusive education of blind and sighted children.
A heartfelt thank you to Svetlana Vasilyeva and her coworker Maya for bringing the video to my Attention, for your wonderful description and translation from Russian. Without your help, this post wouldn’t have been possible!
A declaration of love for learning together
My name is Svetlana Vasilyeva. I’m from Novosibirsk, Russia. I’m 44 years old. I’m blind since birth.
An older contribution on Braille 200 reminded me about a public service announcement. The goal of that video was to show an importance of children with different abilities to learn together.
The video is in Russian.
I’ve created a text transcription and video description in English for it.
The video is called “School love”.
The setting is a classrom.
A sighted boy is writing in Braille with a slate and stylus.
The text is: “Confessing your love is never easy.
Sometimes it even hurts.”
On the video the boy accidentally pricks his finger with the stylus, but finishes writing.
The text is: “But if you really love, you will not have any obstacles.”
The boy puts a letter on a desk of a girl who is blind.
When she reads it, she smiles happily.
The text is: “You will be understood and perhaps reciprocated.”
After school, the boy takes the girl by the hand and they walk home together.
The text is: “Children need to learn together.
Get involved in the movement for inclusive education.”
children on the video are about 10-11 years old.
Here is a link to the video:
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