In today’s post, Justyna Połomska shares her thoughts on book consumption and explains why she considers reading Braille to be more beneficial than using synthetic speech.
Thank you, Justyna, for your insights on this controversial topic!>/p>
My name is Justyna Połomska from Poland.
I am 47 years old
Since I learned Braille at school, I’ve been reading all the time.
in 2018 there was the twelfth edition of the Braille competition in which I also took part.
This is the content of my work submitted to the competition:
Advantages and disadvantages of Braille compared to synthetic speech
In my opinion, Braille has more advantages than synthetic speech. I will refer here to reading Books. People who read Books using synthetic speech do indeed gain a lot of knowledge about Life and also enrich themselves with a beautiful rich vocabulary, but these People lose good orientation in reading and the possibility of consolidating spelling. People reading Braille Books, however, gain more than People who quote Books only with synthetic help, because People reading Braille Books not only gain a lot of knowledge about Life, enrich themselves with beautiful vocabulary, gain orientation in reading, but above all, they consolidate their spelling. I am not saying that Books read with synthetic help are unnecessary, because They are also needed, because there are People who cannot read Braille Books because they have poor sensation in their fingers, so these People read books with synthetic help, but these People lose a lot of the advantage of Braille from synthetic speech is also that Braille books can also read Deafblind people yes there are hearing aids, but there are people who feel bad with these aids simply they are not comfortable Braille advantage from synthetic speech is also that many objects can be obrailed, and synthetic speech here will not help much especially Deafblind people yes there are plenty of spelling dictionaries on the Internet, but they will not replace consolidating spelling by reading Braille books.
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