Were you as active last Saturday as Nuria Yanguas from Spain?
To mark International Women’s Day, UpBizkaia and the Diputación Foral de Bizkaia organized a special event titled “Women with Disabilities – Weaving Networks to Prevent Unwanted Loneliness.”
Of course, a specially designed banner with Braille lettering was a must!
A huge thank you to Nuria Yanguas, who contributed to making the banner and thought of us—sending us these two photos.
Here’s a brief description of the banner:
The banner is a 30 cm wide strip, knitted in garter stitch with purple wool.
On it, “8 M” is written in Braille using white, crocheted bobbles.
Next comes the logo of Unidad Progresista de la ONCE, crocheted in various colors.
Following that, “8 M” and the logo of the Diputación Foral de Bizkaia also appear, both crocheted.
useful links:
Read all articles on: livingbraille.eu
Contact us with your contributions, ideas and questions by: braille200@livingbraille.eu
Social media: Braille 200 on Facebook