Today I have put together a jam-packed package for you, with everything you need to know about Metabraille. The centerpiece is a German-language video created by Jörg Sorge from the Kom-in network. But don’t worry if you don’t speak German,…
An afternoon in the library
Do you know yet what you’re going to do on March 11th? maybe I’ve got an idea for you!! That afternoon, the Uetersen City Library is hosting a small event on – yes, yes, I admit it – my favorite…
Playing school, learning for life!
Today, I don’t want to spend much time on my introduction—I just want to say “thank you” from the bottom of my heart! Thank you, thank you to Julia and Svetlana Vasilyeva for your contribution to Braille 200, which pays…
Oliv is the new Braille
This weekend, we at Braille 200 went all out for you – and rendered a truly great service to art! Let’s see someone top this! It’s art, it’s controversial, and best of all: it tastes fantastic! Now, you might be…
Braille as the key to kreativity
Today, Adél Taskovics from Hungary will present her books to us. She is 33 years old, and writing stories and poems has been her favourite leisure activity since early childhood. She states that since she is blind herself, she might…
Your help is required!
Today, I would like to draw your attention to a small but important project that will benefit all of us! A group of European experts is currently working on a unified system for Braille LETTERING IN PUBLIC SPACES that aims…
Making Braille Audible – A Musical Approach
How would Braille sound if it were turned into music? Three women explored this question and developed a method to make Braille characters audible through musical arpeggios. An arpeggio is a sequence of musical notes played one after another, rather…
Braille for all
In recent months, friends from the internet have repeatedly asked me how they can display certain sentences in Braille. I have to admit, this question initially left me a bit stumped. But now I’ve come across a solution that I…
Set Braille
When was the last time you traveled by ship? For me, it’s been at least two or three eternities, and I don’t remember there being any Braille on board back then. Yeah? Sometimes things change quite drastically. What, you don’t…
Learning by playing
Introduction We all probably have a few unpleasant memories of yawningly boring classes. Today, we will show you that it can be completely different. Richard Bruse is a instructor in vocational rehabilitation for visually impaired and blind people at the…