Liudmyla Tutska, a thermal physics engineer from Ukraine, now lives as a refugee in Berlin-Spandau, where she occasionally writes stories and explores German culture. She used to delight her grandchildren with imaginative tales in which they were the heroes. To…
Learning Braille: A Poetic Puzzle
Today’s contribution is an interview with Greek author Eleni Papalampropoulou about her anthology of Greek poetry transcribed into Braille. She explains the background of this project, which aims to promote access to literature for people with visual impairments. In the…
Our first podcast contribution – Zündeln an den Strukturen
Our contribution today is something very special: Many thanks to Ottmar Miles-Paul, who drew our attention to an exciting podcast about his book. This podcast not only presents his work “Zündeln an den Strukturen”, but also an impressive reading with…
Six dots, a magical key
I am pleased to introduce Richard Bastian today, who shares his life story with us. His journey vividly demonstrates how Braille can open doors and create new opportunities. Through Braille, Mr. Bastian has not only discovered the world of literature…
Dance with Braille
It’s only Tuesday, but who says you can’t dance already? Are you in the mood to challenge your neighbors or roommates with some loud music? Or maybe you’re just looking for a catchy tune that’ll stick with you all day?…
It is not to read as to hear
Why should anyone still bother with Braille now that modern technology can read almost everything aloud? Some call it outdated, while others see it as essential for independence. In today’s post, Michaela Dlhá from the Slovak Republic, who is blind…
The importance of Braille
Braille is much more than just a writing system – it is a tool that gives blind and visually impaired people worldwide access to information and independence. In this video, the European Blind Union (EBU) presents the versatility of Braille’s…
Cooking for Everyone
In today’s post, Cathrin Zahavi presents her inspiring community project, “Cooking for Everyone.” The title is far from being an empty phrase – it’s a true reflection of what this project stands for. Cathrin will explain all the details herself.…
The same generation, two different eras
The following text by Ana Maria Fontes from Portugal takes us back to the early 1990s, a time when new technologies were being introduced to blind people for the first time. She vividly describes a demonstration of devices like speech…
A personal journy
In today’s text, the author shares her journey with Louis Braille’s code with openness and a touch of humor. From initial resistance to exciting competitions and a growing respect for Braille, she vividly describes how this unique system has shaped…