Braille at a snail’s pace

Did you know that there are a lot of snail species whose names rhyme with “snail”?
Well, I certainly didn’t.
But Nils Noll and his sister devoted most of an illustrated calendar to this very topic. And what rhymes perfectly with “snail”?
That’s right: the Braille snail!
By the way, if anyone out there is looking for a new project, I’d be thrilled to one day present the “Snail Tale” here!
Many thanks to you, Nils, your sister, and your friend who told you about Braille 200, for sharing this Illustration with us!

The title of this picture is written in Braille and reads as Braillesnail. The picture shows a snail wearing the yellow band with three black dots around their neck to indicate they have impaired vision. They move towards a large book with the title "A Snail Tale", which is written in Braille as well.
Created with GIMP

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