The Braille Authorities of Europe

This is a list of the Braille Authorities of European countries. Last update on 7TH of February 2024.

 May you find any uncomplete information or missing facts about the Braille Authority of some country, please contact us at and we will take care of the corrections. 

List of countries:



  • Albanian (uncontracted)
  • Serbian

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority: No

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Albanian Braille code

Links to documents with rules of Braille codes:



  •  Eastern Armenian (uncontracted)
  • Western Armenian (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules : N/A

Is this body announced as official braille authority: N/A

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority: N/A

Links to documents with rules of Braille codes:




  • German (uncontracted
  • German contracted)


Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:


Is this body announced as official braille authority: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Uncontracted and contracted literary braille notation,
  • math’s and chemistry code,
  • chess notation,
  • stenography


Links to documents with rules of Braille codes:



  • Belarusian (uncontracted


Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules: N/A

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: N/A

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority: N/A

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:




  • Dutch (uncontracted)
  • French (uncontracted)
  • German (uncontracted and contracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation;
  • computer Braille notation.

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:


Bosnia Herzegovina


  • Bosnian (uncontracted)
  • Serbian (uncontracted)
  • Croatian (uncontracted)


Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules: N/A

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: N/A

Braillecodes and rules approved by the authority: N/A

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:



  • Bulgarian (uncontracted)


Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes

Braillecodes and rules approved by the authority:

  • uncontracted literary braille notation,
  • math’s and chemistry code,
  • music notation,
  • chess notation,
  • stenography

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:



  • Croatian (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority? No

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • mathematics notation. 

Links to documents with rules of Braille codes: 



  • Greek (contracted)
  • Turkish (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules in the country: N/A

Braillecodes and rules approved by the authority: N/A

Links to documents with rules of Braille codes:



Czech Republic


  • Czech (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation: GONZÚROVÁ, Wanda, Příručka pro přepis textů do bodového písma,
  • mathematics and science notation: GONZÚROVÁ, Wanda, Příručka pro přepis textů do bodového písma,
  • computer notation: 8-bod: primárně určeno ke zobrazování bodového písma na elektronických brailských řádcích (brailské převodní tabulky integrované do odečítačů a tiskových programů),
  • music notation, JELÍNEK, Jiří: Notopis pro nevidomé.


Links to documents with rules of braille codes:



  • Danish (contracted)
  • Faroese (uncontracted)
  • Greenlandic (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules in the country respectively for the different languages spoken in the country:

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • mathematics and science notation,
  • music notation.


Links to documents with rules of braille codes:

(The Danish Braille code for Uncontracted and contracted Braille Grade 2 both in 6-8 dot Braille have been updated as of October 2021. It is a significant and major Update, with changes to contractions and additional contractions introduced both for 6 and 8 Braille. Larger compliance between 6 and 8 dot Braille. Re-work of Ansi characters for the 8-dot Ansi Code Table for Danish.)



  • Estonian (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:


Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • mathematics notation

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:



  • Finnish (uncontracted)
  • Swedish (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules :


Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • mathematics and science notation,
  • music notation.

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:




  • French (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

  • Ministère du Travail, de la Santé et des Solidarités
    • Direction générale de la cohésion sociale (DGCS), Sous-direction de l’autonomie des personnes handicapées et des personnes âgées,
    • Bureau de l’insertion, de la citoyenneté et du parcours de vie des personnes handicapées (SD3B),
    • Cellule d’inspection pédagogique et technique des ESMS pour les personnes déficientes visuelles

    Contact: E-mail: to the intention of – À l’IPT DV

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation (Code braille français uniformisé pour la transcription des textes imprimés [CBFU]),
  • mathematics notation, science notation,
  • computer notation (TBFR2007),
  • music notation (“New International Manual of Braille Music Notation” 1996, compiled and published by the Braille Music Subcommitee World Blind Union)

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:



  • German (uncontracted and contracted)


Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes

Braillecodes and rules approved by the authority:

  • uncontracted and contracted lyterary braille,
  • math’s and chemistry code,
  • chess notation,
  • stenography

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:





  • Greek (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules: N/A

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: N/A

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority: N/A


Links to documents with rules of braille codes:



  • Hungarian (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • uncontracted literary braille,
  • math’s and chemistry code,
  • Braille music notation

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:

  • Hungarian braille text code (uncontracted): The Manual of Braille, published by the Braille Committee: Book 1 (BRF), and Book 2 (brf);
  • Guidelines for Braille on the packaging of medicinal products / A gyógyszerkészítmények csomagolásán feltüntetendő Braille-feliratokra vonatkozó irányelvek;
  • 2020 compilation – Excel spreadsheet containing the most important symbols in use in: Signs of literary Braille; Computer Signs (These computer signs may be used in conjunction with literary Braille signs.); Short script; List of mathematical symbols; Signs of Braille; Hun_Unicode; Euro_Unicode; US_Unicode; Symbols used in chess; Hungarian card markings




  • Icelandic (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • math’s code and science notation,
  • computer notation,
  • music notation

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:



  • English UEB (contracted)
  • Irish Gaeilge UIB (contracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:  

Founding Members of INBAF:

INBAF Support and Affiliations:

  • UKAAF – UK Association of Alternative Formats
  • ICEB – International Council on English Braille

Is this body announced as official braille authority: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • computer notation,
  • mathematics notation, science notation,
  • music notation,
  • chess code

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:



  • Italian (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • maths code and science notation,
  • music notation


Links to documents with rules of Braille codes:



  • Kazakh (uncontracted),
  • Russian (uncontracted)


Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

  • The Kazakh Society of the Blind;
    Telephone: +7(7172) 44-96-17
  • Pushkin Library, information for the visually impaired

Is this body announced as official braille authority: Yes

Braillecodes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • mathematics and science notation

Links to documents with rules of Braille codes:





  • Lithuanian (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority: No

Braillecodes and rules approved by the authority:

  • uncontracted literary braille,
  • math’s and chemistry code,
  • chess notation,
  • stenography

Links to documents with rules of Braille codes:




  • Luxembourgish (uncontracted)
  • French (uncontracted)
  • German (uncontracted)
  • English (uncontracted)


Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority:  Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • 6-dot braille,
  • 8-dot braille,
  • Literary Notation,
  • computer notation,
  • music notation.

Links to documents with rules of braille codes and further detailed information with references:

*In Luxembourg, LaTeX (with adjusted contractions) is used for the representation of mathematics, which is illustrated in the standard 8pT Braille system Eurobraille (ISO/IEC 8859-1). In Luxemburg, German or French Math braille systems are not used.


*The default braille system in Luxemburg is the 8-dot braille system Eurobraille ISO/IEC 8859-1 (not only in the digital area, but also in the area of print media). This braille system is universally applicable for all the languages used at national level in Luxembourg. In addition, language-specific 6-point systems are used depending on the situation. Contracted Braille, in the corresponding language, is also used among people with disabilities, but no official illustrations or communications are written in contracted braille (only on demand).




  • Romanian (contracted)
  • Russian (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

  • Moldova Association of the Blind;
    Telephone: +373 22 222789, +373 22 225191

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: N/A

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority: N/A


Links to documents with rules of braille codes:


*Romanian character ã is not used, it is actually ă (the braille dots for ă are 16) and for the symbol ‰ (Per mille) the braille dots are 356 356 245.





  • Montenegrin (uncontracted)


Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules: N/A

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: N/A

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority: N/A

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:


The Netherlands


  • Dutch (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:


Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • computer notation

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:

North Macedonia


  • Macedonian (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules: N/A

 Is this body announced as official braille authority?: N/A

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority: N/A

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:




  • Norwegian “Bokmål” (national, uncontracted and contracted)
  • Norwegian “Nynorsk” (national, uncontracted and contracted)
  • North Sámi (indigenous, uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • mathematics notation,
  • science notation,
  • computer notation,
  • music notation,
  • chess code

Links to documents with rules of braille codes can be found on the webpage of Norwegian Braille standards, Norske punktskriftstandarder:

  • Handbook in literary braille
  • Guide for setting up braille on paper (Veileder for oppsett av punktskrift på papir)
  • Contracted braille in Norwegian Braille (Kortskrift i norsk punktskrift)
  • Norwegian standard for 8-dots braille (Norsk standard for 8-punkt)
  • Standard for chemistry, physics and biology (Standard for kjemi, fysikk og biologi)
  • Standard for chess (Standard for sjakk)
  • Standard for maths (Standard for matematikk)
  • Overview of training materials in Braille for adults (Oversikt over opplæringsmateriell i punktskrift for voksne)
  • Norwegian Braille Code at Pharmabraille





  • Polish (uncontracted; contracted for individual use)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes


Braillecodes and rules approved by the authority:

  • contracted and uncontracted literary braille,
  • maths physics and chemistry code,
  • humanistic and music notation

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:





  • Portuguese (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:


Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • mathematics notation,
  • science notation,
  • computer notation,
  • music notation,
  • phonetic notation,
  • chemistry notation.

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:

  • Grafias INR:
  • Grafia Braille para a Língua Portuguesa
    in BRF format,
    in PDF format;
  • Grafia Matemática Braille
    in BRF format,
    in PDF format;
  • Grafia Química Braille
    in BRF format,
    in PDF format




  • Romanian (contracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules: N/A

Is this body announced as official braille authority?: N/A

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:n/a

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:

*Romanian character ã does not exist it is actually ă (the braille dots for ă are 16) and for the symbol ‰ (Per mille) the braille dots are 356 356 245.



  • Russian (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules: 

  • No organisation responsible for braille, however a special state standards (called GOST in Russian) is frequently used, which was developed by a group of experts in Braille.


Is this body announced as official braille authority?: No

 Braille codes and rules approved by the authority: n/a


Links to documents with rules of braille codes:



  • Serbian (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:


Is this body announced as official braille authority?: Yes


Braillecodes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • mathematics and science notation,
  • music notation

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:





  • Slovak (uncontracted)


Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:

  • Pravidlá písania a používania Braillovho písma v Slovenskej republike / Rules of writing and usage of braille code in Slovak republic:
    • uncontracted six-dots literary braille of Slovak BrailleCode (2021):
      Guideline in PDF format;
      Guideline in BRF format
    • Writing signs and symbols in Braille in basic science entries:
      Guideline in PDF format;
      Guideline in BRF format
  • Braille music notation:
    New International Manual of Braille Music Notation by The Braille Music Subcommittee, World Blind Union, Compiled by Bettye Krolick, ISBN 90 9009269 2, 1996.
    Available to download in .pdf and .doc format from the braille standards page of the UKAAF website




  • Slovene uncontracted, (contractions rarely used)


Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority: Yes


Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • mathematics and science notation,
  • computer notation.

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:



  • Spanish (uncontracted)
  • Catalan (uncontracted)
  • Galician (uncontracted)
  • Basque (uncontracted)
  • Valencian (uncontracted)

Organization or person responsible of braille code and rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • uncontracted and contracted literary notation,
  • braille for science (maths, chemistry, electrical symbols),
  • braille for phonetics,
  • braille for non-Latin alphabets,
  • music notation,
  • chess notation,
  • relief materials,
  • braille labelling on products and consumer goods,
  • Braille teaching methods for children and adults

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:




  • Swedish

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:


Is this body announced as official braille authority: Yes


Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • 6-dots uncontracted braille,
  • 8-dots uncontracted braille,
  • 6-dots contracted braille grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, and grade 4

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:

Further detailed information with references:

  • Swedish language writing rules in braille (uncontracted braille):
    Svenska skrivregler för punktskrift (andra upplagan, 2009);
  • Contracted:
    braille:Kortskrift. Nivå 1 och 2 (1997),
    Kortskrift. Nivå 3 och 4, för anteckningar (1997);
  • Phonetics:
    Fonetik och punktskrift, av Lillemor Andersson och Catharina Johansson (2005);
  • Mathematics/natural science:
    Skrivregler för matematik och naturvetenskap (2012);
  • Terminology:
    Punktskriftens termer (2013);
  • Tactile layout:
    Redigering och avskrivning (1999);
  • Tactile maps:
    Tactile maps – Guidelines for the production of maps for the visually impaired (2003),  av Yvonne Eriksson, Gunnar Jansson och Monica Strucel,
    Taktila kartor – Handledning i kartframställning (2003), av Yvonne Eriksson, Gunnar Jansson och Monica Strucel;
  • Tactile graphics:
    Handledning i reliefbildframställning på svällpapper (1994), av Yvonne Eriksson och Monica Strucel,
    A guide to the production of tactile graphics on swellpaper (1995), av Yvonne Eriksson och Monica Strucel;
  • Eight dot braille:
    Teckentabell som norm för svensk åttapunktsskrift (1997).



  • German (uncontracted/Kurzschrift; largely uncontracted/Vollschrift; contracted/Kurzschrift)
  • French (contracted)
  • Italian (uncontracted)

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • computer notation,
  • mathematics and science notation,
  • music notation,
  • chess notation (German).

Links to documents with rules of braille codes: 




  • Turkish (contracted and uncontracted)


Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules: N/A

Is this body announced as official braille authority: N/A

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority: N/A

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:





  • Ukrainian

Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules: N/A

Is this body announced as official braille authority: N/A

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority: N/A

Links to documents with rules of braille codes:



United Kingdom


  • Unified English Braille (UEB)
  • English (contracted)
  • Irish Gaelic (contracted)
  • Welsh Gaelic (contracted)
  • There is no formal code for Scottish Gaelic. The suggested format is to use Grade 1 (uncontracted) Unified English Braille, using the appropriate accented letters


Organisation or person responsible for braille code and braille usage rules:

Is this body announced as official braille authority: Yes

Braille codes and rules approved by the authority:

  • Literary notation,
  • computer notation,
  • mathematics notation,
  • science notation,
  • music notation,
  • chess code.

Links to documents with rules of braille codes: