Braille for all

In recent months, friends from the internet have repeatedly asked me how they can display certain sentences in Braille.

I have to admit, this question initially left me a bit stumped. But now I’ve come across a solution that I don’t want to keep to myself! It’s perfect for people who are unfamiliar with Braille but would like to contribute a Braille entry to Braille 200.

, you can easily select your desired language, enter a text, and download the resulting dot pattern as an image. This even works for a substantial amount of up to 50 lines! Additionally, contracted Braille is available for some languages. However, please note that the machine-generated transcription may contain errors.

The text can be translated into the following languages:
Czech, English, French, German, and Spanish.

Give it a try! Maybe you’ll discover completely new ways to use the generated images—how about a Braille wallpaper? I’d publish that as a contribution right away!
decorative braille pattern

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