Braille gives me freedom

To conclude the month, we would like to present a very special image that beautifully reflects the significance of Braille for blind people. Maria Jastrzebska-Targosz, who works at Rosshall Academy in Glasgow and creates materials in Braille and large print for students with visual impairments, has created this tactile artwork. Her design, which celebrates the legacy of Louis Braille, wonderfully demonstrates how Braille enriches the lives of people with visual impairments, giving them freedom and independence. Our heartfelt thanks go to Maria for this beautiful visualization.

The image shows a drawing of a girl holding several heart-shaped balloons. The balloons are decorated with various patterns, and some of them have Braille characters on them. Above the image, the text 'Braille gives me freedom!!!' is written. At the bottom of the image, the same text appears in Braille. The girl looks joyful and seems to be lifted into the air by the balloons.

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