Braille in all situations

What do doing the dishes, staying fit and relaxing have in common?
Any guesses?
All three are way more enjoyable when you’re listening to a great podcast!
And today, Oleg Shevkun is here to introduce you to just that. And he should know, he regularly creates podcasts for Freedom scientific himself.
So, I won’t keep you waiting any longer and will let him take over.
Thank you, Oleg, for this fantastic recommendation—I’m sure you’ll have fun with it!

How would you feel about a professionally-made podcast, completely dedicated to various facets of Braille? And what if, along with regular episodes, you were to get a selection of extras, such as instructions for Braille games, Braille display and reading tips, and so forth?
Braillecast is just that, and a bit more. Produced by the Braillists Foundation in the UK, Braillecast is a treasure trove of resources on all things related to Braille. And, what’s more, it’s always entertaining and fun to listen. Available on all major platforms, Braillecast will certainly make a great addition to your listening preferences. You can start by visiting the Web site:
Braillecast website
Happy listening!

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