Braille – When Touch Becomes Language

There are many good and reasonable arguments to learn Braille. It provides people with visual impairments access to education, independence, and culture. However, there are only a few poems about Braille – even though poetry can often convey much more convincingly what it means to read and feel this script.
The following poem is an ode to Braille – to the dots that open worlds, to the writing that makes silence speak.
A heartfelt thank you goes to Patricia Sanders, who expresses the significance of Braille in a truly special way through her words.

Ode on Braille

When you read Braille, 
no need to give up any longer!
For this blinds’
Creates a new world
Yes, these braille dots
Open up your world
While reading Braille, full and frank,
Silence starts speaking
For through this braille-writing
A picture gets its word!
Yes, this braille-write
Puts pictures into sense and words!
Since reading Braille, hail,
Means you are free, Co’z
With these brailled passwords
doors are opened wide!
Yes, with those brailled words
Suddenly, doors open wide
Get the sense of braille writ
And your day gets a look, for
when feeling braille text
the visual gets its frame
yes, thanks to Louis Braille’s braille,
the unseen is put into form!

Ode auf Braille

Weil du Braille liest
Musst du nicht verzagen
Denn die Punktschrift
Schafft eine neue Welt
Ja, die Blindenschrift
Öffnet Dir die Welt
Wenn Du Braille liest
Beginnt Stille zu sprechen
Denn mit der Punktschrift
Bekommt das Bild sein Wort
Ja, die Brailleschrift
Gibt dem Bild Sinn und Wort
Dass Du Braille liest
Macht Dich zum freien Menschen
Denn durch die Punktschrift
Gehen große Türen auf
Ja, die Punktschrift
Macht unerwartet Türen auf
Da Du nun Braille fühlst
Bekommt ein Tag zwei Augen
Denn diese Punktschrift
Gibt Visuellem Gestalt
Dank Louis Brailles Braille 
Bekommt Ungesehenes Gestalt

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