The Braille system is one of our most important means for communication and information.
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2023 Braille Literacy Canada Symposium: Boundless Braille
On 2ND of June 2023, Braille Literacy Canada is hosting very interesting conference Boundless Braille. The applications are now being accepted. 💵 The conference costs 20$ for non-affiliated, free for members and affiliates. For further information, check the programme...
BrailleDoodle: hope for a new braille tool for children in the future
The literacy of the youngest braillists is a fundamental skill for their future lives, mostly studyes and vocation performances. There is never enough materials and tools on the road towards richer knowledge and higher education. According to many experts, it all...
Thorough Review of the braille display Active Braille 40 2021
Read a very interesting and thorough review of the braille display Active Braille 40 2021 by Scott Davert. Scott Davert is a Coordinator at Technology, Research and Innovation Center, Helen Keller National Center for DeafBlind. The article can be found on the website...
Tactile maps of any chosen area on the Earth
Does it sound fantastic and unbelievable? Yet it is possible. With few gadgets and help it can be produced easyly, practically at any school for pupils or even at home, may you be equipped with appropriate devices. The project Haptické mapy (Tactile maps) on the...
Watch a football match in braille
Sounds unbelievable? Yet the Bristol Braille Technology made it possible. Some time ago I published here, on Livingbraille, an article Gaming with braille on the braille display. In this article I mentioned a development process of a gaming console Canute 360 console....
🚮 Labelling of the rubbish bins in braille or tactile graphics 🚮
During the 2023 World Braille Day we have been informed about tens of promotional activities and articles. All the braillists and the public are receiving more and more information about how important brail is. We’ve read a bit about the legislation concerning...
Braillík, an educative teddy bear for braille training
This cute teddy bear has a slightly different tummy than standard plush toy. Wandering through the world of toys he somewhere found six dots and made them his friends. He put them on his tummy to keep them always with him anywhere they would go. And together they are...
BRAILLEE Action hero for the visually impaired
Hotovo is a successful software company with its HQ in Kosice, Slovakia. But there is something else that will catch your attention when you look closer, or if you start to work with us. Hotovo is full of smart people with a passion for a good cause. It’s...
40 Cells to Empowerment: A Comparison of Five Braille Displays to Fortify Your Success in 2023 By Scott Davert
Article by Scott Davert Coordinator in Technology, Research and Innovation Center, Helen Keller National Center for DeafBlind Youths and Adults January 18, 2023 In the article by Scott Davert five braille displays are reviewed with great care and detailed describtions...