
The Braille system is one of our most important means for communication and information.

The Livingbraille platform aims to collect best practices, products, tools and resources.

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Braille in everyday use

daily life, games and toys, joy and fun

Braille devices and tools

braille displays, software, other devices

Latest posts

A place to introduce ourselves

This post is dedicated to the introducing yourselves. New users, who come to the forum. Nice idea of Justina, who posted it. Please, who feels like it, introduce yourselves in the comments. Rudolf Volejník A member of the EBU Braille Working Group. vicepresident...

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CBE embraces IPA Braille

In May 2022, the Spanish Braille Commission published the new rules that will provide guidance to ONCE’s braille transcribers when confronted with phonetic symbols in foreign language learning materials, dictionaries, or even books about Phonetics. After more...

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