
The Braille system is one of our most important means for communication and information.

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Braille in everyday use

daily life, games and toys, joy and fun

Braille devices and tools

braille displays, software, other devices

Latest posts

Game of the Month: The Fox in the Forest

You’ve had a blast playing Wizard over the past few weeks and are now searching for something new? Well, consider that search officially over! Our Game of the Month promises exciting matches—anytime, anywhere. And guess what? It only consists of 33 cards. All the key...

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200 years of writing

So, who’s ready to take a little journey through the development and use of Braille? In today’s video from The German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted , which we are presenting in several languages, we vividly demonstrate how Braille can be created – not...

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Sparkling Braille Art

Today, we’d like to show you a special example of how Braille can be presented in a creative way. Simon Lieberknecht received a birthday card from colleagues that features tiny glitter stones, making the words “Happy Birthday” not only tactile but also sparkling to...

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Read, listen, sing and enjoy!

Today we have to go back a little further, but it will definitely be worth it. In today’s video, Bohdan Koval introduces himself and a book published by him and the artist Anna Poliakova, who fortunately was able to leave Ukraine before the invasion. And at the...

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Braille – When Touch Becomes Language

There are many good and reasonable arguments to learn Braille. It provides people with visual impairments access to education, independence, and culture. However, there are only a few poems about Braille – even though poetry can often convey much more convincingly...

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Great Braille moments – part 1

Today Andrea Kölle-Wellbrink shares a photo with us, which was made up of a helicopter in Hanover during an advertising campaign of the first Louis Braille Festival in Hanover. My thanks go to dot 2 of the I’s in the first name Louis! useful links: Read all...

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