
The Braille system is one of our most important means for communication and information.

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Braille in everyday use

daily life, games and toys, joy and fun

Braille devices and tools

braille displays, software, other devices

Latest posts

Braille at a snail’s pace

Did you know that there are a lot of snail species whose names rhyme with “snail”? Well, I certainly didn’t. But Nils Noll and his sister devoted most of an illustrated calendar to this very topic. And what rhymes perfectly with “snail”? That’s right: the Braille...

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Reading the wave

Over the past few weeks, we’ve had some wonderful personal experiences shared in our posts, and they’ve brought me a great deal of joy. Inspired by these moments, I’d like to tell you about a companion I’ve held close to my heart right from the start. High School,...

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Return of the catchy

Do you remember two weeks ago? I did yesterday when School director Lucia Zalcikova drew my attention to today’s post! The first time, we only had the song – but this time, you’re getting a whole video from Slovakia, which Lucia Zalčíková will introduce to you in a...

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Reading Braille on a national TV

Today, Svetlana Vasilyeva shares a very special Braille moment from her life with us, one she can truly be proud of. Thank you very much, Svetlana, that you add this event to our collection! Introduction My name is Svetlana. I was born blind and since I learned...

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Braille gives me freedom

To conclude the month, we would like to present a very special image that beautifully reflects the significance of Braille for blind people. Maria Jastrzebska-Targosz, who works at Rosshall Academy in Glasgow and creates materials in Braille and large print for...

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Of elephants and friendships

Today, Svetlana Vasilyeva from Russia is not only presenting the book The Invisible Elephant, which she contributed to, but also sharing the story of how it came to be. We thank Svetlana for this wonderful example of what can emerge from friendship and shared...

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