
The Braille system is one of our most important means for communication and information.

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Braille in everyday use

daily life, games and toys, joy and fun

Braille devices and tools

braille displays, software, other devices

Latest posts

Checkmate to Barriers

Today, we’d like to introduce you to an impressive piece by Javier Torres (52) from Spain. As a person with deafblindness, Braille is his indispensable link to knowledge and communication, which he demonstrates through a tactile chessboard. Below you’ll find a...

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We are happy, We read Braille

Today we present you a musical piece produced by artificial intelligence and the Braille Authority of Slovakia. The song is in Slovak, obviously, but the melody is catchy and the chorus pretty ease to sing along. The song appreciates the braille book and reading...

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Tactile art in honour of Louis Braille

Today, we’re kicking off the week with an extraordinary piece of art. Inka Romanez from Hungary has created a painting whose fully convex details allow blind art enthusiasts to appreciate it as well. Louis Braille’s face, along with other important features, can be...

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Game of the month: Wizard

In the past few weeks, we’ve presented some impressive examples showing just how indispensable Braille can be in our everyday lives—whether it’s About reading medication packaging, supporting our education, or helping us maintain our independence. But alongside all...

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The Scale of Braille

There are many questions about the Braille code that occupy the minds of young and old alike. But what actually rhymes with “Braille”? In today’s contribution, Brodie Worsley from Scotland offers more than one creative answer to that question. His...

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My fingers are my eyes

It’s our pleasure to present a statement by Peter Dietrich today, which reminds of one of Braille’s most significant achievements of recent times – an Achievement that grants more autonomy to all of us. Tank you, Peter, for showing us that it is...

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Two worlds intertwine

A new day, a new photo – I’m thrilled to share yet another interpretation of Braille and its significance with you today. Tábata Díaz Domínguez from Madrid does not have a visual impairment herself, but she loves Braille and its potential to enrich the lives of blind...

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