Do you remember two weeks ago?
I did yesterday when School director Lucia Zalcikova drew my attention to today’s post!
The first time, we only had the song – but this time, you’re getting a whole video from Slovakia, which Lucia Zalčíková will introduce to you in a moment.
Braille is a crucial tool for teaching children in our school for pupils with visually impaired or pupils with Multiple Disabilities in Levoča, Slovakia. We celebrated The bicentenary of Braille in our school during special braille day. Our pupils visited different stands, where the teachers and professionals performed the presentations of braille in many ways, reading books, playful introduction of six braille dots, braille used in different technologies and singing braille song. The school and our braille stages were opened for parents, other mainstream schools and people from our city.
For this day, our pupils prepared a beautiful videoclip for the Happy song of the braillist.
The song was written by people from our Braille Authority of Slovakia. Our pupils performed in the clip as a music band, whose performance is interlaced with different pictures from our school showing the braille usage according to the text of the song. In the first song chorus the band plays different musical instruments, such as ukulele or small drums. In the second chorus, the band performs in the same environment, although musical instruments have been replaced by the braille typewriters. According to the text, there are pictures of books in the library, funny expressions of choosing braille over driving a car, using braille for labelling food boxes and more braille usage for orientation in the building.
Text: Braille Authority of Slovakia,
Music: Artificial intelligence (SUNO platform),
Directed by: Adriana Zemčáková (teacher),
Camera and production: Tomáš Kočiš (teacher).
Facebook post: Video on Facebook page of the school in Levoča
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