Seeking for a braille display? advices from livingbraille

Braille working group of European Blind Union recognizes the importance of a braille display, now perhaps more than ever before. We are facing a promissing future of multi-lined braile displays and new format of digital braille. The importance of using the braille display since early school years is obvious. We would like to support its usage and accent, how helpful it is to work with braille in digital environment effectivelly.

After the Survey of braille display usage we conducted this year we want to bring more information for braille users to know the possibilities of braile display and obtain one according to the user’s needs.

As a follow-up of this survey we prepared for you:

2 thoughts on “Seeking for a braille display? advices from livingbraille

  1. Please note that Freedom Scientific & Optelec are both part of VISPERO.
    The European VISPERO (Freedom Scientific & Optelec) offices are found at:
    Pesetastraat 5A, Barendrecht, 2991 XT, the Netherlands
    The old Freedom Scientific & Optgelec locations are closed.

    The FOCUS and ALVA Braille displays are manufactured in Europe at the VISPERO location.

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