Tactile art in honour of Louis Braille

Today, we’re kicking off the week with an extraordinary piece of art.
Inka Romanez from Hungary has created a painting whose fully convex details allow blind art enthusiasts to appreciate it as well. Louis Braille’s face, along with other important features, can be touched and explored. As always, a photo of the painting can be viewed at livingbraille.eu and on our Facebook page, and we’ve included a detailed description below.
Our heartfelt thanks goes to Inka for this remarkable submission, which impressively demonstrates how art and Braille can come together.

Picture of a canvas


Like all my other paintings, this one is also convex. Braille’s hair, mouth, ears, clothes and even the candle I put up in his memory are convex to make them understandable to the blind.
On the clock face, which encircles Braille’s portrait and depicts the time, the hour markers point to the year of his birth (1809). The ones after 1825 are dotted with iron dots, indicating that this was when Braille created his special braille system. Next to it, the 12 dots indicate that Charles Barbier’s night writing gave Braille the idea for the six-point system.
On the inner right of the clock, the dots indicate the years up to his death in 1852.
On the painting, the Arabic numeral 200 is also convex. The numbers have eyes, they “see”, as visually impaired people are no longer excluded from reading and writing. On the right side of the portrait, the index finger of the hand also sends the message of “seeing” with its eyes …….

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