The big bundle

Today, I have not just one but four pictures for you.

At the Marie-und-Hermann-Schmidt School for the Blind in Königs Wusterhausen near Berlin, drawing pictures using a Braille typewriter is a long-standing tradition. This tradition was given special recognition during a celebration marking the 200th anniversary of Braille.
Teacher Diana Zehl organized a Braille art competition, and many students up to 8th grade took part. They created graphics using Braille characters and typed them out with their Braille typewriters.

Well, at this school, my good old friend from yesterday probably wouldn’t have lost points on his exam just for using a word that originated from a Braille image.

Now, I hope you enjoy the pictures! And don’t forget: If you feel like getting creative yourself, the call for contributions to the Braille Calendar is still open!
Braille Art Calendar

	A little house formed out of braille. It has a triangular roof with a big chimney, one window, and a door. All the shapes are formed with full braille cells using points 1 to 6 together. On the bottom there are the initials A B as capital braille letters.
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	The German word for stairs (“Treppe”) written in braille once per row in 25 rows. Each row is shifted to the right by one character so that the words together and up forming a set of stairs going from the top left to the bottom right.

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	A Christmas tree formed out of full braille cells. It consists of a big triangle with a little stem underneath.

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	Different shapes formed out of braille dots. On the top an outlined rectangle of full braille cells filled with another rectangle formed out 5 lines of the braille letter x. Underneath a triangle made out of full braille cells and again a set of stairs formed out of the German word for stairs (“Treppe”) written once per line in 8 lines, each time shifted to the right by one character. On the bottom again two rectangular shapes formed out of full braille cells, one only outlined and the other fully filled with dots.
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