Do you know the saying, “More than the sum of its parts”? Sometimes, that’s absolutely true. Richard Bruse is a instructor in vocational rehabilitation for visually impaired and blind people at the SFZ Förderzentrum gGmbH, Sehzentrum Berlin. The 30-year-old, who…
Banner against loneliness
Were you as active last Saturday as Nuria Yanguas from Spain? To mark International Women’s Day, UpBizkaia and the Diputación Foral de Bizkaia organized a special event titled “Women with Disabilities – Weaving Networks to Prevent Unwanted Loneliness.” Of course,…
First choice: braille
In today’s post, Justyna Połomska shares her thoughts on book consumption and explains why she considers reading Braille to be more beneficial than using synthetic speech. Thank you, Justyna, for your insights on this controversial topic!>/p> Introduction My name is…
Tactile Communication: More Than Just Dots
Sometimes, a single Braille dot can connect many people at once. Today, Tábata Díaz Domínguez from Spain, who works as a guide-interpreter for deafblind people, will share with us an image that she believes captures the beauty of different forms…
Braille in all situations
What do doing the dishes, staying fit and relaxing have in common? Any guesses? All three are way more enjoyable when you’re listening to a great podcast! And today, Oleg Shevkun is here to introduce you to just that. And…
Acoustic Braille – Part 2
Do you remember our three acoustic Braille designers from last month? Today, their project returns with a second example—this time, in a complete English audio version! I’m delighted to welcome Maricarmen Muñoz, who will present today’s text on the piano,…
Love, Fear and Poems
Today, there are two people I’d like to thank: First, Jean Bos for our contribution today, and second, Jan Dewitte, who will introduce Jean to you. Many thanks for this wonderful collaboration and for embracing a peculiar characteristic of Braille…
Silent film meets Braille in Scotland
Today, we’re combining the timeless art of cinema with cutting-edge technology, giving it a good stir, and topping it off with a generous splash of live music! The result is a fantastic event in Scotland. More specifically, in Bo’ness! If…
The Village of Stones
Do you remember our post from a few days ago, in which Trixie Peters added Braille to picture books for her daughter? Today, I have a book for you where that’s not necessary at all. Braille 200 thanks Lawrence Schimel…
Beyond Technology: Why Braille Still Matters
Ever wondered if Braille still matters in an age of audiobooks and speech synthesis? Susanna Halme from Finland set out to find the answer in her master’s thesis, drawing on her own experience as a Braille user to show why…